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Line illustration of a woman’s face intertwined with a flower, accented with a stroke of turquoise color, symbolizing the essence of TOMSCOUT Frequently Asked Questions.




Ultimate FTM Chest Binder Care Guide: Wash, Maintain, and Protect

3D imagery of the TOMSCOUT SAPPHIRE swimming chest binder underwater, showcasing its adaptability and resilience in the ocean.





Understanding Your Chest Binder Fabric

FTM chest binder washing guide: step-by-step tips to clean, maintain durability, and extend the lifespan of transgender binders.

88% 滌綸,12% 氨綸


FTM chest binder washing guide: step-by-step tips to clean, maintain durability, and extend the lifespan of transgender binders.

100% 聚酯纖維


FTM chest binder washing guide: step-by-step tips to clean, maintain durability, and extend the lifespan of transgender binders.

94% 棉,6% 氨綸


FTM chest binder washing guide: step-by-step tips to clean, maintain durability, and extend the lifespan of transgender binders.

82% 尼龍, 18% 氨綸


Dos and Don’ts

✅ 要做的事

  • 手洗:手洗是最溫和的方法。
  • 請使用溫和的洗滌劑:溫和的洗滌劑可防止織物損壞。
  • 每次使用後都要清洗:定期清洗可保持衛生和布料完整性。
  • 用冷水清洗:冷水可以保持黏合劑的彈性和形狀。
  • 風乾:平放或懸掛晾乾。陽光直射是可以接受的,但乾燥後請移除黏合劑以防止織物收縮。

❌ 不要做的事

  • 請勿使用漂白劑:漂白劑會削弱並損壞織物。
  • 不要使用織物柔軟劑:它們會降低黏合劑的有效性。
  • 請勿使用熱水:熱水會收縮或損壞織物。
  • 不要擰或扭轉:這會拉伸和扭曲活頁夾。
  • 請勿使用烘乾機:高溫會傷害織物。

Step-by-Step Hand Washing Guide

FTM chest binder washing guide: step-by-step tips to clean, maintain durability, and extend the lifespan of transgender binders.

1. 準備水:

  • 在水槽或盆中註入冷水或溫水。
  • 添加少量溫和的清潔劑。
FTM chest binder washing guide: step-by-step tips to clean, maintain durability, and extend the lifespan of transgender binders.

2. 浸沒黏合劑

  • 將箱子活頁夾浸入水中。
  • 用手輕輕攪拌。
FTM chest binder washing guide: step-by-step tips to clean, maintain durability, and extend the lifespan of transgender binders.

4. 徹底沖洗

  • 在流水下沖洗黏合劑,直到清除所有肥皂。
FTM chest binder washing guide: step-by-step tips to clean, maintain durability, and extend the lifespan of transgender binders.


  • 輕輕地擠出多餘的水,不要扭曲或擰乾。
FTM chest binder washing guide: step-by-step tips to clean, maintain durability, and extend the lifespan of transgender binders.

6. 適當乾燥

  • 將活頁夾平放在毛巾上或懸掛晾乾。
  • 陽光直射是可以接受的,但乾燥後將其移除以防止收縮。

Step-by-Step Machine Washing Guide

FTM chest binder washing guide: step-by-step tips to clean, maintain durability, and extend the lifespan of transgender binders.

1. 準備活頁夾

  • 將胸夾放入網狀洗衣袋中,以防止纏結和伸展。
FTM chest binder washing guide: step-by-step tips to clean, maintain durability, and extend the lifespan of transgender binders.

2. 選擇正確的設定

  • 將洗衣機設定為輕柔或柔和的模式。
  • 使用冷水並添加溫和的清潔劑。
FTM chest binder washing guide: step-by-step tips to clean, maintain durability, and extend the lifespan of transgender binders.


  • 請勿使用漂白劑,因為它會損壞織物。
FTM chest binder washing guide: step-by-step tips to clean, maintain durability, and extend the lifespan of transgender binders.

4. 開始清洗週期

  • 運行洗滌週期,確保整個過程保持溫和的設定。
FTM chest binder washing guide: step-by-step tips to clean, maintain durability, and extend the lifespan of transgender binders.

6. 適當乾燥

  • 將活頁夾平放在毛巾上或懸掛晾乾。
  • 陽光直射是可以接受的,但乾燥後將其移除以防止收縮。






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